Monday, September 1, 2014

[TSS] Chapter 1

1. Describe the marriage you respect: what is it about the couple that makes you admire their relationship?

I want to have the kind of marriage that my parents have had. They love each other in the deepest way I have ever seen. They hug each other and talk intimately everyday. They have their own job and own group of friends, but also the shared group. Most importantly, they are each other's best friend. They fully trust the other's decision and share the responsibility in the family. They love each other's strengths, know and bear the weaknesses, and help each other grow. I can tell that they love each other more every single day.

2. Ten years after you're married, how do you hope someone will describe your marriage relationship? Write out the ideal description of the relationship you hope to have.

We share the faith and look at the same direction. We are the best friend of each other, freely sharing the happiness and sorrow in life. We full trust each other. We go through all kinds of difficulties with God's love and guidance and health communication between us. We have lovely and good kids and live the kind of life that please God. Although there are things we feel regret about, we believe what we have now is the best plan from God and we feel content and grateful for it.

3. Describe some of the marriages you've seen that you definitely do not want to model your own marriage one. What attributes  of those relationships do you hope to avoid?

I don't want my marriage to be like to uncle and aunt's. They barely live together now. My uncle works and spend the majority of his time out while my aunt does not work and mainly does house chores. They don't share their ideas anymore, They don't seem to talk to each other or praise each other, but just yell at each other and complain about life. They seems to be very passive about their relationship and don't feel like family in love anymore.

4.Have you ever asked yourself the question "why do I want to get married?" Why do you want to get married?

I want to get married because I want to share my life with someone, share both ups and downs.

5. How do you think getting married with the intention of "seeking first the kingdom of God" will change the way you pursue someone to marry, as well as the type of person you might consider?

I believe that it is true. if I know God first, I know that his has the best plan for me, and I don't have to worry too much but just follow his guidance. Also, God teaches us how to live, and I will be able to tell if someone lives in a biblical and good way. I definitely want to marry the person who value the same thing that I value.

Thursday, September 27, 2012


Mini-sagas were written and shared in UNIV 111 today. It was a story with exactly 50 words. It was fun and inspiring.
Only after our wild imagining and free-style composing, we were asked to read each of our saga aloud in front of the whole class.
Mine was quite personal, but still ok if I had to share. The good news was, as a TA, I have prevelige to not participate in some classroom activities by just staying quiet. I took advantage of this rule, since it was not a good idea to unveil the personal and emotional vunlaribility in front of my students.
But I like my mini-saga, and probably someone else would also like it, someone ramdon in the interner who is outside of my real life. So I decide to share it here, and see if there is any echoing.

"The bread and wine represent the body and blood of Jesus." He shared with her the holy spirit he worshiped.
"Let's go to the zoo. There is a monkey show." He made her day, a sunny funny day.
He was a grandfather. He has left her forever without saying goodbye.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

First day Shadowing in the WrC

Exciting. nervous, lost, these are the words that I would use to label my first working experience in WCen.  The client was a senior student who is going to apply for a post-graduate program in a pharmacy school. And the consultant was Alex.
It seemed to be a tough beginning for me since both of them spoke really fast in those difficult medical-related terms. I felt that I was doomed. How can I ever do a consultant since I do not understand some of the vocabularies the client use in his or her writing? How can I ever gain my client's trust?
Basically, what I have done during the consultation was sitting, listening and noting down what kinds of questions Alex asked to help the client develop her ideas and organize the paper. It was not easy, but I did learn something from it.
First, talk with the student about her background and why he or she is here, where he or she expect to get from us. This will really help student to talk and rethink about his work, and hopeful be inspired with some new ideas during his own talking. After listening to his ideas, it is very important to show my interest in his ideas and let him be confident and comfortable about what he is doing.
Second, read the paper out, preferably by the client. During the reading, the client may figure out some mistakes since he is taking the reader's perspective to see if the lines make sense.
Third, if there is anything that I think can be improved or there are ideas that might be helpful, I can bring them up by saying "How do you think...." or "How does this sound?"
During the consultation, if there is anything that I want to add, I would let the client keep his  notebook at hand so that he can always jog down ideas during our conversation, since the ideas flee very fast.

I did my second shadowing consultation with Jake. I felt better in this consultation, partly because I had got an idea about how things are going here, and partly because the client was a foreign student. I felt less insecure about my English profession problem. Well, it's a problem that I definitely need to overcome ASAP! During the consultation, Jake has done a great job in keeping the focus on the ideas and the whole structure of the paper, rather than minor problems of language an grammar. I was very glad that I participated in the consultation more actively by suggesting some ideas. Although they were not all taken in the final edition, some of them contributed to the revision process. It feels really good to know that your own ideas are valued and helpful to others.
After the client left, Jake talked with me about the consultation and let me do the narrative. My first time, again! But I really appreciate that he let me do it and check it for me. It turned out that I wrote the right thing. Yeah~~~ And Jake agreed to read some of my writing and make some comments on them. I am so grateful for that since I know that writing class is always what I need.

The last shadowing I did today was with Laura. She is so adorable! A sophomore girl came with her draft for a personal essay for her UNIV course. That's the course I do GTA for, so I had a generous idea about what it may be about and what the instructor may expect from the paper. During this consultation, I participated more actively and provided more ideas about what could be added into the paper to relate the personal story to readers. Hearing the client say that my idea was very helpful for her is probably the best thing  today! I do love these moments, when students tell you that you may make a difference to them, no matter how tiny the difference is. That's why I choose Adult Learning as my master program at the first place.